Paid parking

Tervise Paradiis Spa Hotel & Water Park parking regulations

01.06-31.08.2023 round the clock

a fee is charged for parking on the
Tervise Paradiis Spa Hotel & Water Park territory.

Having arrived, please use the parking clock so that there is sufficient time for your car data entry in our parking software. When you use the parking clock, you get 30 minutes of free parking from the moment you drive in, irrespective of the vehicle type.

The parking fee is not applicable to the vehicles that have their registration numbers in the parking software and are eligible for free parking.

Customers of Tervise Paradiis Spa Hotel & Water Park purchasing services at Tervis are exempt from the parking fee:

  • hotel guests
  • participants of conferences/seminars/birthdays at Tervise Paradiis Spa Hotel & Water Park
  • loyal customers of the Spa&Sport club with either the Gold or Silver status upon showing their period card (free parking is allowed during the period card validity)
  • holders of a current Spa&Sport club card when purchasing Tervis services (4 free hours)
  • spa customers when purchasing procedures (4 free hours)
  • bar and cafe customers purchasing services (4 free hours)
  • Tervise Paradiis water park and bowling customers purchasing services (4 free hours)

The following vehicles are exempt from the parking fee:

*Motorcycles, buses, taxis
*Vehicles of mobility-disabled drivers (“Parking card of vehicle belonging to a person with a mobility disability” serves as proof of eligibility for free parking)

The rates for parking motor vehicles in the paid car park are as follows:
1 hour = €5
1 day = €30

The fee is paid at the Tervise Paradiis Spa Hotel & Water Park cash desk immediately after parking your vehicle in the paid car park. The vehicle registration number and the parking duration in hours are entered in the parking software. The parking time begins from the moment of entry in the software. After the end of parking the vehicle registration number will be automatically deleted in the software.

Please note that you cannot pay for parking here via your mobile phone or use Pärnu city parking cards!

The parking staff have the right to charge a penalty fee of €30 for a violation of the current parking regulations, including failure to pay the parking fee.